Month: February 2015

In an Ideal World You Would Have Fought for Me

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There is something tragic about being a hopeless romantic

Something tragic about seeing stars as they were forty years ago

Twinkling at us

As if they are really in the present

The night sky is full of

What once was

Stellar memories haunting us with their glow

Your olive eyes are coated in these stars


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Is misrepresented

It is not like being born again

It’s like plunging into an icy river

Hoping that it will become warm

Glacial Endings

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Cold water is

Rushing into my capillaries

Filling my lungs

With your icy absence

Drowning my heart

In its cage

See Me

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This Fog

Seems to quiet everything

With its dense translucence

Today the hills are gone

Slumbering under the damp sheets

Invisible like me

But when this fog lifts

I will still be


To the only person that matters

Perhaps if it rained

The silver showers could bring

Out the gold in my eyes

And you would see my shine

Your Lap was My Favorite Place

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Your hands are bleeding

So let go

You’ve held on longer than anyone has

It’s OK

I’ll learn to forget

Your hands in my hair

Your breath on my neck

The specks of orange in your eyes

So let go

Because you already feel so far away

Even when you are close

Downtown Girl

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Downtown boys

Don’t read their fortune cookies

They drive fast

Fall in love slow

My mother warned me

Stay away from

Boys who wear corduroy

Who let their hair grow

But downtown boys

Have style

Play chess

Drink their coffees black

How can I not

Be drawn to those

Who see the world through

Paint brushes and guitar strings

I want a boy like that

They love hard

And laugh harder

They taste their words

Like each syllable

Is laced with chives and cheddar

They don’t wear labels

Or stare at their phones

They know how to live life better

I want a boy like that